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Jason & Jamie: A Traditional, Waynesboro Wedding

Updated: May 14, 2019

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

Waynesboro Wedding, Virginia Wedding photographer, Austin & Austin Photography, Spring Wedding

It is always interesting, showing up to the wedding when the couple and I have never met face-to-face. There is a brief period of time where I am wondering around the location hoping someone will introduce me to the bride so I don't have to look at each person that passes, wondering- "Was that her? Is that her? Where is she? " On Saturday, walking through the beautiful First Baptist Church, looking for Jamie... I followed the sounds of laughter and chit-chat to find her and her bridesmaids. As everyone was getting ready, there was a sense of calmness that isn't always present on the wedding day. That same feeling carried on through the entire day and into the night. It was exactly how every day should feel.

It wasn't until I officially met Jason and saw the way he looked at Jamie, that I understood where she found this calmness. He had been her answered prayer, and she was his. Their love for the Lord was shown in their traditional, church ceremony exactly how they had both pictured it. They both left the church on a horse-drawn carriage to the reception where they were greeted by their closest family and friends- most of them traveling from all over to be there and celebrate with them.

I hope that when you see their images, you see the love they have for one another. When I think of them, I will forever see them dancing together at the end of the night, as most guests had left for the night, just taking it all in. Their genuineness will leave a permanent impression on my heart. Thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Brognano.

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